How do I know if my class is online?
When you enroll in your courses, take note of the and the enrolment notes on the . This will tell you how the course will be administered and in what format.
Some common course type abbreviations include:
- LECT: In-person lecture
- BLEN: Blended learning - partially online, partially in-person
- ONLN: Fully online, asynchronous
- REMT: Remote - online synchronous
- ONCA: Fully online, with the exception of come course components like exams
Where do I find my online class?
- Login towith your sign-in.
- If it is your first time logging in, you'll be prompted to confirm your email address.
- On your course dashboard you'll see a list of all of the courses you have access to and that have been made available to you.
For more information, check out this handy YorkU guide to help you with .
Where can I go on campus to login to my online class?
Students are able to book 51³Ô¹ÏÍø spaces through .
How can I be successful in an online class?
- Treat your remote/online course as seriously as an in-person course. Remote and online courses abide by the same rules of and . Your instructor has put in a lot of thought and effort to design a great course for you - take your coursework seriously and make the most of your learning experience.
- Adapt your routine and create good 51³Ô¹ÏÍø habits. If you are used to commuting and having a full schedule of in-person classes, 51³Ô¹ÏÍøing remotely will mean a new system for scheduling and managing your time. Set aside time for class, 51³Ô¹ÏÍøing, hobbies, friends/family just as you would for in-person classes.
- Seek out updates and information. You may be used to getting a lot of your information from class announcements. Studying remotely, it is your responsibility to actively check for information and updates. Set a schedule that will work for you to regularly check eClass, your YorkU email, and the YorkU website.
- Communicate with your instructor and your classmates. Online communication may look a little different, but there are still opportunities to connect. Know how to connect with your instructor - do they have online office hours? Does your class have a discussion group? Interested in hosting a 51³Ô¹ÏÍø group? Take advantage of these opportunities for connection and communication.
For more tips, visit the Adapting to Remote Learning page.
What strategies can I use for reading and note-taking online?
The same rules for reading and note-taking effectively apply whether you are reading from a book or online.
It can be tempting when reading online to not take notes since you have the reading available to go back to anytime on your computer. So, do you still have to take notes? Yes! Note taking while reading is a learning strategy that helps you make sense of the material, identify key points, and make connections between ideas. A great note sheet will also help you quickly review the key points from the material.
Just because you are reading online, doesn't mean that you must take your notes online as well. Choose the note taking method that is most effective for you, whether that is a notebook, printing out and writing on your reading, making flashcards, a mind map, typing them out, or using an app.
Here are some online tools for taking notes online that you can try. Remember, the right tool, is the one that works for you.
- - A note taking tool part of the Microsoft 365 suite.
- - Tool for adding notes into a document online.
- - Use annotation and drawing markup tools to add comments in PDFs
Visit Learning Skills Services for more information about active reading and effective note-taking.
What is the difference between a synchronous and an asynchronous class?
- Courses offered online (designated as ONLN) have no specified meeting times and students are expected to progress through the course at their own pace. You may also see these courses referred to as asynchronous in the Notes/Additional Fees column of the timetable listings. Students in an asynchronous course are still expected to follow common times/deadlines for submitting assignments, completing tests, etc.
- Courses offered remotely (designated as REMT) are also offered online but have specified meeting times as a course normally would if it were offered in-person, for example, in a lecture hall. You may also see these courses referred to as synchronous in the Notes/Additional Fees column of the timetable listings: this simply means that students have a specified meeting time and engage with the instructor and each other in the curriculum at the same time.
For more information about how to understand your course code, please see
What is Zoom fatigue and how can I manage it?
You may have seen the term "Zoom Fatigue" in recent . The phenomenon refers to our current situation of physical distancing and how we feel replacing in-person interactions with video conferencing.
Managing Zoom Fatigue:
- Manage your time. When you create your schedule for the day/week, think about balancing time to yourself and time on video conference. What is your ideal for maintaining your energy levels? Consider blocking off times of day where you are most productive for 51³Ô¹ÏÍø time.
- Consider alternate methods of communication. We have created new habits of turning everything into a video meeting. Consider when a conversation may work just as well over email or over the phone.
- Be kind to yourself. Adjusting to 51³Ô¹ÏÍøing remotely during COVID-19 brings new challenges for many of us. Practice self-care and be kind to yourself when you are not at your best. If you need to turn off your video for a while or reschedule, communicate your needs to the people you are meeting with. No need to pretend that your computer is freezing to leave a conversation.
Who do I contact if I have questions about my online class?
- If your course has an page, that is a great place to start to find your course syllabus and information about the course. If you still have questions, you can reach out to your instructor directly.
- If you have questions about your program or degree, your Academic Advisors are here to assist you with your advising needs. Please visit our page for more information.
- For Osgoode students who have program or degree questions, you can contact the Osgoode Hall Law School Programs & Records Office via email: student_services@osgoode.yorku.ca or visit the page.
Where can I find more help with attending class online?
Workshops & Appointments (Registration Required)
- Effective Reading Strategies - Learning Skills Services Workshop
- Learning Skills Drop-In - Learning Skills Services 1:1 Drop-In Conversations
Resources to Explore on Your Own
- Learning Skill Services Resources for Success - Tips and resources on a variety of learning topics.
- - Best practices and protocols to support you in your online learning success.